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Best 公共 Policy Master’s 程序s: Tips For Choosing The Right Degree

In today’s complex and interconnected world, 公共政策塑造了从教育到医疗保健的一切,这意味着在公共政策和更广泛的公共部门工作提供了一个影响个人和社区的强大机会.

While rewarding, this field can be technical and complex. 一个相关的硕士学位可以帮助你在这个行业中导航并取得成功,并有资格获得需要高级知识的职位. 但是有这么多的选择,选择一个合适的学位可能是一个挑战. 以下是你应该考虑的. 

What Master’s Degree Should You Earn to Work in 公共 Policy?

有各种背景的人都有可能进入公共政策领域, 但是,拥有一个与你的职业目标相一致的硕士学位会让事情变得容易得多. There are three primary master’s degree pathways to choose from in this field, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.


The Master of 公共 Policy degree is aimed at professionals who analyze needs, assess existing policies and create new policies to address specific problems. Analytically-minded professionals who enjoy detail-oriented tactical work . MPP毕业生通常与政府领导人和政治家密切合作,但不太可能担任面向公众的职位.

公共政策硕士课程侧重于定性和定量分析, 统计数据, 经济学和政策设计. Most MPP programs take two years of full-time study to complete.

“MPP学位最适合那些只对公共政策分析和发展感兴趣的人,博士解释道。. Wendy 伊顿, chair of mg不朽情缘试玩的 公共管理硕士 program. 

What matters most when choosing a master’s program? Compare features, benefits and cost to find the right school for you.


公共管理硕士 (MPA)

公共管理硕士学位针对的是在公共部门工作或希望在领导岗位上工作的专业人士, nonprofits or in private sector roles with close ties to government. 这个学位更侧重于政策的实施和管理,而不是政策的制定和分析, though there is often overlap between the two functions. MPA毕业生经常在面向公众的职位上工作,并在组织或政府机构之间进行合作. 

Coursework in MPA programs focuses on organizational management and leadership, 预算和财务, and personnel management within the public sector context. These degrees also emphasize ethical leadership and decision-making. Some programs include coursework in specific areas such as health policy, criminal justice and labor relations in addition to the core curriculum. 

“MPA学位为那些希望为各种政府职位做好准备或在公共部门推进职业发展的个人提供了更广泛的关注,伊顿说。. “MPA学位为政府部门更广泛的职业选择打开了大门, nonprofit organizations and the private sector.”

大多数MPA项目需要两年才能完成,不过也有加速项目,比如mg不朽情缘游戏网址公共管理硕士, may allow students to complete their degrees more quickly. 

工商管理硕士 (MBA) with a Focus in 公共 Policy

一些学校提供公共政策和管理的MBA课程,或者将MBA和MPP或MPA相结合的课程. These degrees include a heavier emphasis on private sector considerations. 通常, 大部分课程集中在标准的MBA主题,如管理和市场营销, with additional courses related to policy and public sector considerations. 这个学位可能很适合那些希望主要从事商业工作的专业人士, with some overlap in the public sector, or who prefer to keep their options open.

公共政策方向的MBA更侧重于商业导向. 伊顿. “The curriculum and focus of a master of public administration program, 另一方面, 是否专门针对在公共部门工作的独特挑战和机遇而量身定制, 致力于公共服务的学生可能会发现MPA学位更有价值.”

MBA programs typically take at least two years, though some combined degree programs can take three or more years. 

Which Master’s Degree Option is Right for You?

Choosing the right master’s degree is a complex decision, but ultimately it comes down to your career goals, 兴趣和偏好. 在MPP之间进行选择时, MPA和MBA, 主要的考虑因素包括是否要创建或实现策略, 无论你希望在公共部门还是私营部门工作,无论你是否有兴趣在面向公众的领导岗位上工作. 

申请前, 花点时间规划你理想的职业道路,探索成功所需的技能和知识. 利用这些信息来评估你感兴趣的每个项目的具体课程,以确保它能帮助你实现你的目标. 程序s differ significantly in their focus areas and approaches, 找到适合你的工作将有助于你充分利用你的研究生院经历. 

Can You Earn a 公共 Policy Master’s 在线?

Many schools offer MPA, MPP and MBA degrees fully online. 远程获得学位是一个很好的方式来提高你的技能,同时推进你的事业,保持你的工资和生活方式. 在线学位选择也比面对面的选择更实惠,并且允许你在不搬迁的情况下获得高质量的课程. mg不朽情缘试玩公共管理硕士 学位课程100%在线,为工作专业人员提供灵活的时间表. 


mg不朽情缘游戏网址,你可以按照自己的时间表成为公共部门的领导者. mg不朽情缘试玩的灵活, 在线MPA课程由政府和非营利组织的主要从业人员设计和教授. 你会从对这个领域充满热情并致力于帮助你实现目标的导师那里学习. 

这个实用的研究生学位利用现实世界的基于场景的作业,并优先考虑参与讨论,拓宽你的视野. In addition to core public sector management concepts, you’ll learn essential skills rarely covered in other MPA programs, including methodological reasoning, 战略组织沟通和应用分析技术的决策和解决问题. And since you can complete your degree in as few as 17 months, you’ll be ready to move your career forward faster. 

了解更多关于mg不朽情缘试玩的 公共管理硕士 程序可以帮助你帮助别人. 

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